Senior Plus 3

Assisted Living and Nursing Home SENIOR PLUS 3 is located in Braće Jerković. Bus lines 18, 26, and 50 stop near the nursing home, which makes it well connected to different parts of the city.

The accommodation at the SENIOR PLUS 3 nursing home includes twin and triple rooms, in line with the dependence level of the users (independent, semi-dependent, and dependent categories). Total capacity stands at 24 users.
All rooms are functionally equipped to accommodate the elderly and infirm. Specially adapted bathrooms, anti-decubitus mattresses, hospital beds, and other disability aids are just part of what Senior Plus offers.

Senior Plus has a beautifully landscaped garden where users can spend their time. All three homes — SENIOR PLUS 1, SENIOR PLUS 2, and SENIOR PLUS 3 — employ trained staff that works with people with dementia, Alzheimer’s, and vascular dementia.

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